Maderas José Sáiz, S.L. is a company which has been dedicated to forestry and industrial activity, at the primary and secondary levels of wood processing for more than 40 years.
At present, the installations of Maderas José Sáiz, S.L. are designed to carry out all primary and secondary wood-processing, and more than 250.000 m2 are available between their plants at Spain and France, all perfectly conditioned and prepared to carry out whole process.
Forestry movement of the different varieties amounts to more than 600.000 m3 of timber, of which more than 400.000 m3 are for our own use, and the rest goes for sale to other sawmills, paper mills and wood-based panel manufacters.
Maderas José Sáiz, S.L. is a company certified according to the ISO 9001:15 quality standard, and 14001:15 environmental standard.
It has also obtained approval for the production of Recoverable Europallets from UIC, and is approved for the manufacture of CP 940 pallets for chemical products.
The company has a clean point where containers used for storing the different waste products that result from the industrial processes are situated prior to being dealt with the recycled. This clean point consists of a concreted area of 625 m2 and a covered zone to protect waste products that should not be exposed to the element.
The clean point is surrounded by a containment which collects run-off water which might be contaminated, and the puts it through the treatment plant.
Both internal and external staff are involved in on-going advisory and training roles at the RD&I Department, where projects are developed that will improve the whole of the industrial process. Among these are product traceability, with bar coding from Beginning to end, and mapping based on GPS.
Technological innovation bid by Maderas Jose Saiz, SL, has gained public recognition for years, having participated in the financing of these R & D various agencies of the Central Government and the Autonomous Community such as the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade through the PROFIT initiative, the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) or SODERCAN (Society for the Development of Cantabria).